Sunday, March 06, 2011

Overtime, Penang

Me and my friends had a gathering with my friends (complete group) at Overtime at Gurney Drive... It is a very expensive Lounge Bar and it seems like their non-alcoholic drinks are more expensive than the alcoholic ones... =.=|||

I ordered Lime juice and it costs RM11 (wtf)... I couldn't drink because I'm driving... Boooo... Anyways, it's a great place to hang out, though... We had a bug couch set to ourselves which feel cozy... :D

Some shots at overtime~

The early birds

My dinner (Lou Shue Fun) RM22

Some of our drinks

Left: Peach Liquor, Right: Lime juice

Left: Fruit Punch, Right: Solomon's Temple

Their signature Starker Fragrant Beer

 Everyone had fun catching up with each other and spent a few hours taking group pictures

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